How to install spell checker

To enable spell checker, the package 'aspell' needs to be installed on the server side. TinyMCE calls a web service 'v1/spell' to check spelling and store words in the user's dictionary.
To enable spell checker, the package 'aspell' needs to be installed on the server side. TinyMCE calls a web service 'v1/spell' to check spelling and store words in the user's dictionary.
New Distribution Method to distribute Published Website Articles via email: Now you can publish an article to your website and easily distribute it via email to a list of Contacts. The new distribution method uses Email ReST Variables which identifies and automatically adds the email Subject and email Body to be distributed to the Recipients. For example if you have a monthly Newsletter Article which you create this can be Published to your website and now it can also easily be distributed via our ReST service as |
The standard article editor includes find/replace and search options. We use TinyMCE for the editor, any of the TinyMCE buttons can be enabled.