The Yellow Pages Business Ideas Grants program is run by Pacific Access, a leading Australian information and advertising business, and is recognised as the biggest cash reward program run by the corporate sector for small business in Australia.
The 2002 grants attracted nearly 1300 entries Australia wide, with a wide range of innovative and high quality ideas.
The awards for the state and national finalists were presented at a lunch time ceremony in Sydneys Four Seasons Hotel on Wednesday the 7th
Australia's first Innovation Patent was granted on Monday 28th May for stSoftware web based, job management program, designed for small & medium businesses.
Nigel Leck, Senior Developer, yesterday received the award on behalf of ASP Converters P/L, an Australian software development company who specialize in converting existing database applications to be web-accessible. He said "this is an exciting moment for the Australian IT industry, the stSoftware database design is believed to be, not only