The standard install comes pre bundled with:-
The following are the main directories:-
The system is a pure Java SE implementation. All extensions required to the standard JDK7+ install come bundled with the system installation. The system is intended as a large multi-user web application, having large internal data caches which require generous amounts of RAM on the server machine.
The server is compatible with standard Java servlet 3.0 or above container. Supported servlet containers include :
Online technical documentation
stSoftware systems are built from the ground up on a unique multi-layered database structure which allows documents, articles, business rules and all other types of data to be selectively and securely shared across many systems and sites.
A layered database system is the aggregation of the layers below by selectively placing data and documents in different layers they can be securely shared across the different systems.
Detailed design of a layered database system Multi-Layered DB Application-document