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    Validation for Emails, phone numbers, first and last names.

    New and change records will need to pass the new validations.

     The following field validations have been added.

    Field Validation Reason

    The host name for the email will be looked up to match sure it's valid and active.

    The email must match the following pattern:-


    Examples of valid and invalid email addresses:-

    • abc@.
    When sending emails a large number of bouncing emails will cause our servers to be marked as spammers.
    Phone numbers

    Match the following pattern:-

    ^(\+[0-9]+)*((\(| |)*[0-9]+(\)|-| |)*)+((ext|x)+ *[0-9]+)*$

    Examples of valid and invalid phone numbers:-

    • 555 5555
    • 555 5555/555 1234
    • +1 (201) 555 5555
    • mb 555 5555
    • +1 (201) 555 5555 ext 1234
    Displaying phone numbers on phones and tables the entered phone numbers must be valid and a single phone number.
    First name

    Match the following pattern:-

    ^([ \u00c0-\u01ffa-zA-Z'\-&/])*$

    Examples of valid and invalid first names:-

    • Nigel
    • Nigel & Tina
    • Nigel2
    • Bill mb: 555 5555
    When sending emails we include the substitution ${recipient.firstname}.   When additional information is placed in the first name field the emails look completely wrong.
    Last name

    Match the following pattern:-

    ^([ \u00c0-\u01ffa-zA-Z'\-])*$

    Examples of valid and invalid last names:-

    • Leck
    • Leck & Smith
    • Leck mb 555 5555
    Same reason as for first name.